When you set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you will be asked to choose your preferred MFA method. There are several methods to choose from:
Text message
If you have a mobile phone, you can elect to set up MFA via text message. During set up, you will be asked to confirm your mobile phone number.
When you next try to access or change your personal information in your Account & Security page, you will receive a text message to your mobile phone number with your one-time code.
Authentication app
If you have a smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop device, you can elect to set up MFA via an authenticator app that you have downloaded to your device. Below is a list of example apps that you can consider using:
When you set up MFA, you will be asked to confirm your authenticator app by scanning the QR code provided or by entering the code directly into your app.
When you next try to access or change your personal information in your Personal Information page, you can open the authenticator app to retrieve your one-time code.